Moodle教學平台(Moodle learning platform)
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Moodle教學平台(Moodle learning platform)
≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系(Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1092 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing)
1092 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡學士後護理學系(Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing )
1092 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1092 / ≡其它(Others)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(夜)(Basic Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1095 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1095 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1095 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1095 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1095 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1095 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1095 / ≡其它(Others)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系(Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1091 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing)
1091 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡學士後護理學系(Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing )
1091 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1091 / ≡其它(Others)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(夜)(Basic Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1084 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1084 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1084 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1084 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1084 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1084 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1084 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1084 / ≡其它(Others)
1084 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1084 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1083 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1083 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1083 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1083 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1083 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1083 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1083 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1083 / ≡其它(Others)
1083 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1083 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1082 / ≡其它(Others)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡大學日間部校際選課()
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系()
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡保健營養生技學系(Health and Nutrition Biotechnology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1081 / ≡其它(Others)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1074 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1074 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1074 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1074 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1074 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1074 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1074 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1074 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1074 / ≡其它(Others)
1074 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1074 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1074 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(夜)(Basic Curriculum)
1073 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1073 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1073 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1073 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1073 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1073 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1073 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1073 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1073 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1073 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1073 / ≡其它(Others)
1073 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1073 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際企業學系(International Business)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1072 / ≡其它(Others)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際企業學系(International Business)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡創新與創業管理碩士學位學程(The MBA Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1071 / ≡其它(Others)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
獎助創新教材專區 / 107學年度
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡Moodle系統教學(Teaching of Moodle Platform)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡磨課師平台教學(Moocs)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡數位教學專用課程(Teaching of E-Learning)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡BookRoll系統教學(Teaching of BookRoll Platform)
1101 / ≡其他課程
1102 / ≡其他課程
1111 / ≡其他課程
1112 / ≡其他課程
1121 / ≡其他課程
1122 / ≡其他課程
1071_EB301023_2A 微學分-3D繪圖課程()
1071_EB301017_1A 基礎程式設計(二)(Fundamental Computer Programming(2))
1071_EB301016_1B 基礎程式設計(一)(Fundamental Computer Programming(1))
1071_EB301029_4A 生醫系課程教學實務課程(七)(The Practice of Teaching(7))
1071_EB301007_1A 3D列印電腦輔助設計(就業) ( ?Computer Aided Design for 3D Printing)
1071_EB301027_1A 3D列印市場原理及產品開發(就業)(3D printing market principle and product developmen)
1071_EB301028_1A 3D實作與實務參訪(就業)(3D printing practice and practical visits)
1071_EB400037_2A 碩士論文(Master’s thesis)
1071_EB200457_2A 分子醫學(Molecular Medicine)
1071_EB300018_1A 資訊與科技(Information and Technology)
1071_EB100090_1A 生物資訊學(Bioinformatics )
1071_EB100473_1A 高等資料庫系統(Advanced Database Systems)
1071_EB100483_1A 機器學習(Machine Learning)
1071_EB100611_1A 博士論文(Dissertation)
1071_EB100958_1A 論文研討(一)(Seminar(1))
1071_EB100962_1A 專題討論(一)(Seminar(1))
1071_EB100964_1A 專題討論(三)(Seminar(3))
1071_EB100976_1A 體學(Omics)
1071_EB100977_1A 醫學工程概論(Introduction to Biomedical Engineering)