Moodle教學平台(Moodle learning platform)
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Moodle教學平台(Moodle learning platform)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1092 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1092 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1092 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1092 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系(Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology)
1092 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1092 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing)
1092 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡學士後護理學系(Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing )
1092 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1092 / ≡其它(Others)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(夜)(Basic Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1092 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1095 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1095 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1095 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1095 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1095 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1095 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1095 / ≡其它(Others)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1091 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1091 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1091 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1091 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系(Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology)
1091 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1091 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing)
1091 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡學士後護理學系(Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing )
1091 / ≡護理學院(College of Nursing) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1091 / ≡其它(Others)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(夜)(Basic Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1091 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1084 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1084 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1084 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1084 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1084 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1084 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1084 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1084 / ≡其它(Others)
1084 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1084 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1083 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1083 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1083 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1083 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1083 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1083 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1083 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1083 / ≡其它(Others)
1083 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1083 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1082 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1082 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1082 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1082 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1082 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1082 / ≡其它(Others)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1082 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡大學日間部校際選課()
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1081 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1081 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡人工智慧博士學位學程(The Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系()
1081 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1081 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡物理治療學系(Physical Therapy)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡保健營養生技學系(Health and Nutrition Biotechnology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1081 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1081 / ≡其它(Others)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1081 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1074 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1074 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1074 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1074 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1074 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1074 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1074 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1074 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1074 / ≡其它(Others)
1074 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1074 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1074 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(夜)(Basic Curriculum)
1073 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1073 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1073 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1073 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1073 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1073 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1073 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1073 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1073 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1073 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1073 / ≡其它(Others)
1073 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1073 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1072 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1072 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1072 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際企業學系(International Business)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1072 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1072 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1072 / ≡其它(Others)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1072 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡外國語文學系(Foreign Languages and Literature)
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡幼兒教育學系(Early Childhood Education)
1071 / ≡人文社會學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / ≡社會工作學系(Social Work)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡室內設計學系(Department of Interior Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡時尚設計學系(Fashion Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意商品設計學系(Creative Product Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡創意設計學院不分系(International Design Program)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡視覺傳達設計學系(Visual Communication Design)
1071 / ≡創意設計學院(College of Creative Design) / ≡數位媒體設計學系(Digital Media Design)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡生物資訊與醫學工程學系(Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡光電與通訊學系(Photonics and Communication Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡行動商務與多媒體應用學系(M-Commerce and Multimedia Applications)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊工程學系(Computer Science and Information Engineering)
1071 / ≡資訊電機學院(College of Infornation and Electrical Engineering) / ≡資訊傳播學系(Information Communication)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡EMBA高階經理碩士在職學位學程(EMBA Master Degree Program for Top Managers)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡休閒與遊憩管理學系(Leisure and Recreation Management)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財務金融學系(Finance)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡財經法律學系(Financial and Economic Law)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際企業學系(International Business)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡國際財務金融管理學程(International Financial Management)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡創新與創業管理碩士學位學程(The MBA Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡會計與資訊學系(Accounting and Information Systems)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡經營管理學系(Business Administration)
1071 / ≡管理學院(College of Management) / ≡管理學院進修學士學位學程(Continuing Education Bachelor’s Program of Management )
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡心理學系(Psychology)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡生物科技學系(Biotechnology)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡食品營養與保健生技學系(Department of Food Nutrition and Health Biotechnology)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡健康產業管理學系(Healthcare Administration)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡視光學系(Optometry)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡學士後獸醫學系(Department of Post-Baccalaureate Veterinary Medicine)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡職能治療學系(Department of Occupational Therapy)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡護理學系(Nursing)
1071 / ≡醫學暨健康學院(College of Medical and Health Science) / ≡聽力暨語言治療學系(Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology)
1071 / ≡其它(Others)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(Physical Education)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡共同必選修(夜)(Physical Education)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡基礎課程(Basic Curriculum)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(General Education Curriculum)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡通識課程(夜)(General Education Curriculum)
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡創意領導課程()
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡跨領域課程()
1071 / ≡其它(Others) / ≡其他課程
獎助創新教材專區 / 107學年度
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡Moodle系統教學(Teaching of Moodle Platform)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡磨課師平台教學(Moocs)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡數位教學專用課程(Teaching of E-Learning)
教學課程(Teaching of Moodle) / ≡BookRoll系統教學(Teaching of BookRoll Platform)
1101 / ≡其他課程
1102 / ≡其他課程
1111 / ≡其他課程
1112 / ≡其他課程
1121 / ≡其他課程
1122 / ≡其他課程
109-2 聽力暨語言治療學系校外實習前知能考
1091_職業安全衛生在職教育訓練: 認識職安法
1091 Ecotourism 生態旅遊
1091 Community Work Practice in Taiwan 社區工作實務(臺灣)
1091 Social Policy and Legislation Practice in Taiwan 社會政策與社會立法(臺灣)
1091 Architectural Design 建築設計
1091 Product Semantics 產品語意
1091 Positive Psychology 正向心理學
1091 Communication and Interpersonal Relationship 溝通與人際關係
1091 Digital Image Processing 數位影像處理
109學年度 實驗(實習)場所安全衛生教育訓練課程